About Library

The Library is housed in a spacious double storied building with a plinth area of about 2420 square meters, built on the occasion of the Diamond Jubilee of the College of Engineering in 1992. It caters to the needs of about 5000 users comprising under-graduate, postgraduate students (regular and part-time), doctoral candidates, teaching and Non-teaching staff.
The library procures and stocks predominantly engineering books and journals, to server the requirements of all the branches of Engineering (i.e.; Biomedical, Computer Sciences, Civil, Electrical, Electronics & Communication and Mechanical) and inter disciplinary subjects such as Maths, Physics, Chemistry & English.
With grants from U.G.C under various Five Year Plans, the Library procured a number of Current books for all branches of Engineering and inter disciplinary subjects.
At present the library has a collection of about 75,400 books and over 6,200 back volume of Journals. In addition 6,000 books are available in the SC/ST Books Bank about 3,000 books in Integrated Scheme of Book Bank (ISBB) for Regular course students and about 2,000 books for part-time course students. The funds received from the TEQIP in March 2005 have been spent for purchase of books worth Rs. 40 Lakhs and kept in reference section.

The Library is subscribing online Journals of IEEE package Level-2 from INDEST Consortium with the financial assistance of TEQUIP funds. Indian standards related to all branches of engineering and Knovel, e-Books covering 259 titles of reputed publications of all branches of engineering are also available in Digital Library. Students can browse, search their related Journals and download full text articles.

On the lines of Advanced Educational Centers like it's the OU Engineering College is also contemplated to establish a Learning Resource Center in the Diamond Jubilee Library. Therefore, the Collegs has purchased one plasma TV, DVD Player, LCD Projector and Over Head Projector and 15 Multimedia computer Systems to facilites multimedia learning to the Engineering students and faculty.